Monday, November 3, 2008

Teaching Letter Sounds, the Fun Way

My mother uses a fun way to teach letter sounds that even the toddler will love to do. My oldest daughter learned all her letter sounds by 18 months because it was such a fun game to play with me. Each letter has a fun action sound and movement to learn the actual letter sound. The kids love them.

I am teaching my daughter who is two her letter sounds right now, so I will be filming my girls doing the sounds and movements so you can see them. Tomorrow I plan on posting two letters along with the flash cards we use. We use these flash cards for running games,
Simon says games, etc. I will also share some of these games after I introduce all the letter cards.

(Here I am, the mother, making an addition to Tati's entry. I want to add in here that I got these ideas from my oldest daughter, Amy. A friend shared them with her and we have been using them ever since. We have adapted them as we have come up with better ideas. If you have any good ideas, we would love to hear them.)

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